It was an exciting morning today. I was at the marina at 0600 helping–well –I was there anyway. Our Captains Chan Fran and Tiburon have organized the loading of tanks very efficiently. As work dwindled due to the Covid months, A man named Cherna came up with the idea to help load the boats with tanks and equipment. Our DM’s pay him a fee and he brings the tanks and equipment down from the staging area to the boats. Then hands them off to the boat captains. Our boat captains and DM’s are in our 3P chat group so everyone knows the days schedule. Thus the correct amount of tanks gets loaded before the equipment arrives. When that arrives it is also loaded then the captains and DM’s set the tanks up accordingly. This system has proven very efficient and mistakes are very seldom made. If something is amiss it is usually a 100cf tank or a nitrox tank missing from the order. No problem as either George or Jose returns to the tank farm and gets what is needed. My morning job is to sit on the boat and watch–Thank you very much.
Today is the first day of 2021 where we have had three boats of clients for a morning dive. Plus we get icing on top of that as one boat will again go out in the afternoon. Four boats today—a huge thank you not only to our staff, but all of the usual suspects and others who made this event happen.–Jay & Cheryl, Mike and Liz, Craig and Karen, Gary and Patty and Harry–all aboard the Skinny. On the Loanshark we have Janet and Vic, Cyndie, Alex, Caitlin and Rob and me. On our newest boat the Divino Maestro (Divine Teacher) we had David and Brenda and Rob and Carrie. Thank all of you for making this day special.
The photos are showing our three boats sitting at the marina before departure. Then the single photo is our newest boat the Divino Maestro–soon to be renamed the SEXY SHARK