This slideshow comprises photos taking while diving with Tres Pelicanos before and after welcoming the New Year, which we all hope is a Better Year.

We begin with an exciting find by fellow diver John. None of us had seen what turned out to be an exceptionally large blackcap basslet (#1). Like its cousin, the fairy basslet, this beautiful gal was swimming upside-down under a ledge.
At San Francisco Wall Jorge Koo found two painted elysias (#5 & #6). These colorful beauties were about 1/2 inch long each. Then on a night night, Jorge found a Spanish slipper lobster. They are nocturnal, and during the day, bury themselves in the sand. The wide plates projecting forward from its head are its antennae.
Most angelfish are fairly unafraid of divers. Rock beauties are an exception, and I was happy to finally get a couple of shots of these lovely fish (#9 & #10).
At Tres Piedras I watched a bearded fireworm do an amazing balancing act on sea rod (#13 & #14). Several times I was sure he would fall off, but he never did.
On a night dive I finally got to see a hermit crab move into a new home. I had assumed that, as they grew, they always moved into larger shells. Not this time. Perhaps he wanted a lighter home to carry around — or perhaps he just preferred the cleaner, more stylish look.