Lola’s wet nose touched my hand and she emitted a slight dog moan. With the sleep seeds in my eyes I rolled out of the rack and shuffled across the carpet (toe stubbing has been a problem) to the door. Holding tightly to the hand railing I eased down the stairs. With each step I thanked my smarts for getting the left knee replaced. THIS MORNING I was 70 years old. That thought went through my mind as I took each step smiling at the no aches or pains anywhere.
Lo headed straight to the back door, turned and looked at me with that HURRY UP look. I let her out to explore her favorite pee spot. I turned around and went to the kitchen and fired up my trusty new MR. COFFEE maker. What a marvel Senor DiMaggio did with his coffee maker. No more plug in and percolating and drinking coffee mixed with the grounds. No more Nescafe instant coffee. Now just a scoop of Joe in the filter, add water and listen for that first comforting gurgle as the drip machine starts. I like the simplicity of the cheap coffee maker–no timer, no shut off just press the button and hot JOE is three minutes.
So there I was, sitting at my laptop looking out the window at the two Robbins splashing in the bird feeder. They paid no attention to Mr. Squirrel doing that funny squirrel hop along the top of the fence. Have you ever watched a bird bathe in a bird bath or a puddle? WOW can they really get into it. Fun to watch. However I digress.
Sipping my hot JOE—learned from over 45 years of construction work where a coffee break was only 10 minutes and piping hot coffee had to be downed quickly—–I looked at my list of things to do. HOLY SHIT it was Cyndie’s birthday also. I checked the time and donned my blue crocks and headed out the door to my truck. Safeway was open where I could get flowers–life saver. Back to the house where I felt secure armed with flowers and a birthday card.
With a four hour difference between Alaska time and East Coast time, my facebook page was filled with tons of birthday well wishes from all of you wonderful people. I was overwhelmed as more and more kept arriving. The ding on my phone was almost a constant. I started to respond to each and every one (if I missed anyone, just message me back saying “you ass hole you forgot me”—and I will get you a huge muchas gracias.
It was my mother who taught us to always thank a person with a thank you note. A personally written note and mailed. This was considered a common courtesy. Fortunately with electronic mail the envelope and stamp are no longer necessary. So for everyone of you who wished me Facebook birthday message or card—AND–if I missed anyone–THIS ONE IS FOR ALL OF YOU——Thank you all so much for making a 70 year old feel terrific. I hope all of you are staying safe and your families are healthy and happy. We are living in troubled times so please be kind to others as we all struggle through these turbulent days.
GRACIAS A TODOS por sus maravillosos mensajes de cumpleaños
(Thank you all for your marvelous birthday messages)
The dive shop continues to move forward. Yes it is slow, but we are able to keep the crew working. Some days two divers and other days four or five. Also reservations continue to come in. Airfares are running very high, so keep checking. Our November schedule is filling up very nicely and December is not far behind.
Cozumel continues to adhere to it’s Covid policies. So mask wearing is mandatory in public. We do not mandate it on our boats. Once you enter a restaurant they can be removed. Grocery stores are allowing only one person per family to enter. Most of the Island is open for business and cruise ships are starting to arrive.
Be prepared by bringing your phone with a copy of your passport. A hard copy is as good. I am not sure that they are still checking , but last April Immigration was at the marina numerous times checking. No idea if they are looking for illegal workers or people from other countries, or people staying beyond the six months allowed on a tourist visa, but they do check. They look at your identification and send it to their computer to verify your status. Just be prepared.
Covid testing is still required by the airlines when you return from an international location. Many hotels offer it in house. I have contact of a lab that will come to your residence and do it. The cost is $40usd. The hospital down the street from the shop has an agreement with 3P and I think they charge $32 (check with Pony or Jeanie on that cost). I had the lab guy come to my home and he did a throat swab which was so much less intrusive than the nasal swab. Anyway there are plenty of places to get your test.
All will email the results. I had no problem at AA using their fly something or other app and I think just showing the results on your phone will be sufficient. However if you can get a hard copy that is probably the best.
You will still have to fill out a health questionnaire at the airport. This is for Mexico and does not take much time. The man at security who checks your boarding pass will take it.
Security has been advanced. Computers out and belts off (changes daily but be prepared) it has been a while since I was there.
No one likes to turn 70 but it cannot be helped. I was so fortunate to have all of you make my day so much better. We finished the day with dinner out celebrating our day together.